Saturday, June 4, 2011

LolipOp candy . >. -

Lolipop oh lolipop.!!nape la koe comel sngat..haha!!koe buadd ak suke at nme koe n sume la yg ade at koe..nme,rse,warna n corak.!ak stat mnat at lOLLypop ni stat ak msk menengah..fom1 la(2010)..time tuu orentasi dax2 fom1..then adew la fasilator2 ni(PRS)DOWANK ADEW NICKNAME TERSENDIRI..pelik2 plak ak dega time tuhh..haha sbb kebnyakan nme buah.!!lalallal~..kalo ak jadi PRS at skull uj..ak nak nick name nme ak.!miz LolyPOp..haha!!stat dary2 la ak mnat ngan nme LOlypop..then ak malu la nak buad at fb nme tuh..skng ak da x malu ak da ubah name at fb ak.!!hahaha.!!biak pi la dowank nak kate apa?.ak tauu nme tuuhh comell..koe adew..??wakakakak.!!:p...tapii...ak suke at lollipop ni sbb nme dye je..yg len 2 kurang la..tapii x pee..!!ak ske tgk ganba at bwh nii.!!

budaxx 2 n lollypop tu comelll kan3 <3

caNdy <3

SuNgha jung

heyy dear,

 koe knal x dgn 'SUNGHA JUNG'..??x knal.??haha.!!x knal pegi mam..ceh3..koe tauu ak mnat sngat at dye..dye artis korea..dye x de la femes..tak mcm kim hyung joong,kim boem..then yg len2 la..dye nii juz pemain gitar terkenal je..dye prof tauu.ak ske tgk video dye at youtube..power la..tapi cam ak ckp la dye x femes mne..??tapii dye (qute sngat)..we <3..ceh3 lebih2 plak kan ak cite psl dye..bese la da mnat..ahha!!

kalo boley ak nak boffie cam dye..ish pe nii ak kan x ske kpl..kalo dpt camni sure ak x tolak pnye..kakakah     
<3 sungha JUng <3

Friday, June 3, 2011

HEYY..!!firstly ..ak nak habak  aku baru at sini.!!then nak wish time kasehhh bnyak2 at momo moshie(ain shafiqah)coz help ak wat blogg nii!!kowank if free invite2 la blogg ni dega ak nye rintihan..wakakak.kaloo x juzz follow je k..kan ssh pown klik follow then bla la..hehe...sarangaha kowank sume k..<3.
<-----PENG3 ..(tembakan)

what is lovee ? -,-

Don’t find love, let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love, because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall.

Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman, but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and an day to love someone… but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else, but it’s more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

If love is the answer , can you please repeat the question?

Faith makes all things possible. Love makes them easy. I believe that to truly Love, is the ultimate __expression of the will to live. A heart that truly loves is forever young.

Love makes life so confusing, but without love would you really want to live?

Do you love me because I am beautiful or am I beautiful because I am loved?

Love me now, love me never, but if you love me, love me forever.

Three things of life that are most valuable – Love, self-confidence & friends.

To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell.

Who do you turn to when the only person in the world that can stop you from crying, is exactly the one making you cry?

He taught me how to love, but not how to stop.

Of all forms of caution, caution in love is the most fatal.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Many a young lady does not realize just how strong her love for a young man is until he fails to pass the approval test with her parents.

Is it better for a woman to marry a man who loves her than a man she loves.

Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says ‘For the woman I love’ and the second, ‘For my best friend.’

A good marriage is like a casserole, only those responsible for it really know what goes in it.

No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

Love, true love, is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return.

Where there is love, there is God also. ~ Leo Tolstoy ~

All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. ~ Leo Tolstoy ~

Love cures people — both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. ~ Dr. Karl Milnage ~

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love. ~ Sophocles ~

It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations. ~ Khalil Gibran ~

When they asked me what I loved most about life, I smiled and said you. ~ Tina ~

Just because you know someone doesn’t mean you love them, and just because you don’t know people doesn’t mean you can’t love them. You can fall in love with a complete stranger in a heartbeat, if God planned that route for you. So open your heart to strangers more often. You never know when God will throw that pass at you. ~ Heather Grove ~

Love… What is love? Love is to love someone for who they are, who they were, and who they will be. ~ Chris Moore ~

Why do you say you love me, if you are only going to leave me? ~ Julia ~

;Love is like a river, always changing, but always finding you again somewhere down the road. ~ Kelly Elaine ~

Love is a language spoken by everyone , but understood only by a heart. ~ Shirley Rindani ~

People need love even when they don’t deserve it. ~ Nikki Ledbetter ~

For every word you say, another piece of my heart you take. ~ Tiara Johnson ~

Maybe God put a few bad people in your life, so when the right one came along you’d be thankful. ~ Andrea Kiefer ~

Love the heart that hurts you, But never hurt the heart that loves you.

Love me for a reason, let the reason be love.

It doesn’t take a reason to love someone, but it does to like someone. You don’t love someone because you want to, you love someone because you are destined too. It’s because you fall in Love with them, that you then try to find a reason, but you always come up with the answer, No reason!

Love is the beginning of all the joy which nature has store for us.

Never say goodbye when you still want to try. Never give up when you still feel you can take it. Never say you don’t love a person when you can’t let go. ~ Dons ~

Gratisan Musik

all about my post >.-.